Bottom Lines of the Bible

The Bible has lots of complexity and things that are hard to understand. So much, that at times, we just want to say, God, could you make it simple for us? You know, like the KISS principle—Keep It Simple, Stupid. Well, this series is aimed at doing just that from keep-it-simple passages. Summary. Bottom line. Give it to me straight. Christianity for dummies, because let’s be honest, we all qualify for that title at times.

we could have called this series, The Bible for Dummies as all the texts are simple, basic summary statements of Scripture.

In this series, Pastor Steve will take us through some of the more crucial passages of scripture to clear away any of the confusion about what God requires of us, how we should live, salvation, priorities, faith, and our future. You may want to share this series with a friend of family member who has questions about the Christian life and walking with Jesus.

Our most current messages in the series: Bottom Lines of the Bible

Bottom Lines Series Resource

Your support of The Journey radio and teaching ministry provides the resources for the distribution of The Journey to listeners through the USA and around the world.

We are pleased to introduce you to a wonderful resource during our series: Bottom Lines of the Bible. As Pastor Steve presents these simple, yet crucial messages, Randy Alcorn's book on faith and truth will be a complementary resource for you.

Christians trying to model their lives after Jesus may find that He gets buried under lists, rules, and formulas. In The Grace and Truth Paradox: Responding with Christlike Balance, Randy Alcorn offers a simple two-point checklist for Christlikeness based on John 1:14. The test consists of balancing grace and truth, equally and unapologetically. Grace without truth deceives people, and ceases to be grace. Truth without grace crushes people, and ceases to be truth. Alcorn shows the reader how to show the world Jesus -- offering grace instead of the world's apathy and tolerance, offering truth instead of the world's relativism and deception.

We can't wait to put this resource into your hands as our way of saying “Thank you!” when you make a donaion of $25 or more.

The Truth Project Devotional Study

Here is a twelve day plan that provides a contemplation of God and self, designed to draw you closer to Him and His Truth provided by Focus on the Family's The Truth Project.

Brought to you by Focus on the Family. For more information, please visit: