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Support The Journey with your gift this month. Our special resource this month is Jesus the King by TIm Keller

Your support of The Journey radio and teaching ministry provides the resources for the distribution of The Journey to listeners through the USA and around the world.

We are pleased to introduce you to a wonderful resource during the Matthew series: Jesus the King by Tim Keller.

imothy Keller unlocks new insights into the life of Jesus Christ as he explores how Jesus came as a king, but a king who had to bear the greatest burden anyone ever has. Jesus the King is Keller's revelatory look at the life of Christ as told in the Gospel of Mark. In it, Keller shows how the story of Jesus is at once cosmic, historical, and personal, calling each of us to look anew at our relationship with God. It is an unforgettable look at Jesus Christ, and one that will leave you deeply moved.

We want to send you Jesus the King as our way of saying “Thank you!” when you make a donaion of $25 or more.

We offer many ways to give. You may complete the form below which will then take you to a secure page to make your donation, or you can call us at 1-844-756-8763.

Want to give online without requesting a resource? Click here!

You may also mail a donation to:

The Journey
10202 Broadway
Crown Point, IN 46307

Thank you!