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Our special resource this month is Hard to Believe by John MacArthur.
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We are pleased to introduce you to a wonderful resource during the Matthew series: Hard to Believe by John MacArthur.
Jesus Christ did not die on the cross so you and I could have a nice day.
This book is John MacArthur's unflinching, unapologetic treatise on the modern tendency to alter the true message of Christianity in order to meet the whims and desires of a culture hoping for nonconfrontational messages, easy answers, and superficial commitments.
Too many people just want a Madison Avenue Jesus to make them well, make them happy, and make them prosperous. But Jesus Christ isn't a personal genie. He is the Savior. He died in agony to satisfy the wrath of a holy God and to forgive the sins of humankind. Faith in Him demands a willingness to make any sacrifice He asks. The hard truth about Christianity is that the cost is high, but the rewards are priceless: abundant and eternal life that comes only from faithfully follwing Christ.
We want to send you Hard to Believe as our way of saying “Thank you!” when you make a donaion of $25 or more.
We offer many ways to give. You may complete the form below which will then take you to a secure page to make your donation, or you can call us at 1-844-756-8763.
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10202 Broadway
Crown Point, IN 46307
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