The Gospelized Family

Our deepest dive into the gospel should produce some incredibly practical and helpful applications to marriage, parenting, and family relationships. If we are going to connect the gospel with family life, we should begin with grace.

Romans 1:16 says “the gospel…is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.” That power is saving power but also the redeeming power our homes and families desperately need. The gospel faithfully applied in the day-to-day of life is the only hope for lasting spiritual and cultural family change. A family or a husband or a wife who is astonished at the sovereign grace of God through Christ is a powerful agent of change in the home.

This January, we focus on The Gospelized Family

Parents, our children don’t need perfection, they need our presence. God wants to use us uniquely in their lives through the ups, downs, joys, and struggles. Make your family a priority and your home a place where their hearts are built up. If we aim at the heart, apply the wisdom of team building, and respond to His calling, He will make much more than we ever expected.

Help Support The Journey

The Journey operates by the generous support of Bethel Church located in Northwest Indiana where Steve DeWitt is the senior pastor, and listeners like you.

During this series, for any size gift of support for The Journey, we want to send you the Raising Kingdom Kids Devotional by Tony Evans.

Articles on the Family

Pastor Steve has written a number of brief articles and devotionals that coincide with this month’s series on God’s Purpose for the Family