Romans Series - Chapters (9-11)

Part Three of our preaching series on the Book of Romans covers chapters 5-7.

Join us as Pastor Steve opens up the scritpures and discover the wonderful truth of God's grace declared by the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Church in Rome. God's Sovereignty is on display and the emphasis of much of these chapters. Drink deeply from the truth of the scriptures and rejoice that we have been grafted into the vine.

Roman Series - Chapters 9-11

Help Support The Journey

The Journey operates by the generous support of Bethel Church located in Northwest Indiana where Steve DeWitt is the senior pastor, and listeners like you.

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During this series, for a gift of $25 or more, we want to send you Mitchell L. Chase’s book, Behold Our Sovereign God: All Things from Him Through Him and To Him.

What does the Bible teach about God's rule over salvation and judgment? How is God sovereign over historical events, in particular the death of Jesus? Will his decrees for the future come to pass, or can they be thwarted? -The Bible invites us to behold God's meticulous reign over all things unto his glory. His lordship is not just general or abstract but particular and comprehensive. Chase invites us to examine and explore how God is bringing to pass his will in the world.

The Character of God

Looking for additional resources to explore the character of God? You can discover the trustworthy character of God in this study on the foundational description of God's attributes found in the book of Exodus.