Resources for your Journey


Recommended this Month

Join Steve DeWitt and Erwin Lutzer for a trip of a lifetime at the end of May, 2020 as they tlead you on a tour throughout Germany to explore and experience the sites of the Reformation. Pastor Steve and Dr. Lutzer have visited these sites together and hand-selected an itinerary sure to be filled with beauty and inspiration.

Music to Bless
Your Heart

Exalt the Lord and Experience his goodness and beauty with the uplifting and encouraging songs of Century Worship. Written, performed and produced by the worship ministry of Bethel Church in Crown Point, IN (where Steve DeWitt is the senior pastor), Century Worship offers songs born out of the life and experiences of our members.

This EP of five original worship songs are sure to become favorites in your home and we want to send it to you as a thank you for your support of The Journey teaching ministry.During this month’s teaching series, we want to help you Exalt the Lord and Experience his goodness and beauty with the uplifting and encouraging songs of Century Worship. Written, performed and produced by the worship ministry of Bethel Church in Crown Point, IN (where Steve DeWitt is the senior pastor), Century Worship offers songs born out of the life and experiences of our members.

This EP of five original worship songs are sure to become favorites in your home and we want to send it to you as a thank you for your support of The Journey teaching ministry.

Get Pastor Steve's book


For a gift of $20.00 or more, we will send you a copy of Eyes Wide Open.

We all enjoy so many things in this world. Eyes Wide Open will help you understand God’s purposes for our joy and wonder. Steve guides you on your personal journey toward enjoying God in everything.

If you love the outdoors, art, food, sports, sunsets, coffee, mountains, or anything else, Eyes Wide Open enriches these experiences by turning them toward their created purpose. This is a book about our beautiful God who designed our craving for beauty to lead us back to Him.

Pastor Steve referenced a quotation from A.W. Tozer in his message entitled, The Oblitunity of Giving on January 27 & 28, 2020, so we made it easy for you to purchase this book directly from Amazon. Just click the book and you will be sent directly to the correct page.

“Do you thirst for a more intimate relationship with God? A.W. Tozer claims it is not for the select few, but should be the experience of every follower of Christ. Using examples from Scripture and from the lives of saints who lived with this thirst for God, Tozer sheds light on the path to a closer walk with God.