
A Man Like Us

The life of Elijah has gripped the thought and imagination of many an author or preacher. His sudden appearance out of complete obscurity, his dramatic interventions in the national history of Israel, his miracles, his departure from the earth in a chariot of fire all serve to that end. He comes in like a tempest, who went out like a whirlwind , says Bishop Hall. Judgement and mercy were mingled throughout Elijah's astonishing career.

Join Pastor Steve for this brief, but potent look at Elijah, a man God uses.

Help Support The Journey

The Journey operates by the generous support of Bethel Church located in Northwest Indiana where Steve DeWitt is the senior pastor, and listeners like you.

Nearly 60 years ago, A.W. Pink felt called to the task of addressing the ungodliness of the age while at the same time encouraging the faithful remnant. You will be challenged and encouraged as your read this exposition of Elijah s ministry applied to the contemporary situation. We’d like to make this book yours for a gift of $25.00 or more this month.

Elijah - Faith & Fire

Blinded by the remarkable narratives of our biblical heroes, we can forget they each had a backstory—months and years of development, even difficulty, which fortified their spiritual muscle and prepared them for the tasks that made their lives unforgettable. Join Priscilla Shirer on this 5-day journey through the life and times of Elijah to discover how the emboldened, fiery faith you desire is being fashioned by God in your life.