Learn More about The Journey

Roger Kemp is the founder and president of RK Media. His agency provides production of Pastor Steve’s messages airing on The Journey. Roger shares information Christian communicators and why Pastor Steve’s voice is an important addition in Christian teaching and particularly in radio.

Roger’s team is also responsible for managing our relationships with radio stations and after just one year of working with RK Media, The Journey has grown from 20 stations to over 200!

Matt Kimmel became a supporter of The Journey in late 2022 and provided his insight and support as we searched for a consulting partner - which turned out to be RK Media. Matt shares his personal experience with The Journey and making a decision to begin attending Bethel Church in northwest Indiana where Pastor Steve is the Senior Pastor. Matt and his wife, Cindy are ardent supporters of The Journey and Matt makes a personal appeal for others to join them.

Pastor Steve shared an encouraging and challenging word from Romans 10:14-15 to those gathered at the first donor dinner for The Journey.

“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”

Will you consider supporting The Journey

Your support of The Journey radio and teaching ministry is a blessing to so many. Your gift allows us to present the truth of the Gospel to listeners on over 200 stations around the US and around the world throughour podcast that is available on major podcast platforms including Apple iTunes, Podbean, Stitcher, Pandora, YouTube, and Spotify.

And we'd like to send you a very special resource as our way of saying Thank you for your gift. Henry Blackaby's Experiencing the Cross.

Jesus Christ died not so that you would recognize a historical fact. Or memorize a particular doctrine. Or continue with life as is. No, Christ’s death was God’ s decisive deed in your life, conquering sin once and for all. The cross beckons you every day, with power to transform every detail of your existence as you begin to see Calvary from God’s perspective.

Henry Blackaby leads you on an exploration through the deeper dimensions of the cross, ensuring that the further you go, the more you will:

  • Deal radically and completely with sin
  • Embrace a true and lasting union with Christ
  • Experience the fullness and reality of His victory in your life
  • And much more

We offer many ways to give. You may complete the form below which will then take you to a secure page to make your donation, or you can call us at 1-844-756-8763.

Want to give online without requesting a resource? Click here!

You may also mail a donation to:

The Journey
10202 Broadway
Crown Point, IN 46307

Thank you!