Creating a Kingdom Culture in your Home
Establishing culture in an organization or a family takes focus and attention. It also means embracing a set of values and principles by which to live. In this series, Pastor Steve provides us a vision of the culture of a family who seeks to reflect the Kingdom in their lives.
Prepare your Family for the Holiday with this series on Creating a Kingdom Culture
Articles on the Family
Pastor Steve has written a number of brief articles and devotionals that coincide with this month’s series on God’s Purpose for the Family
By Steve DeWitt
Talking to our family members happens naturally. Having spiritual content to those conversations doesn’t. God knew this and made it a command in Israel. We can talk about the weather all we want, but bring up something spiritual and you get…crickets. Kingdom culture requires kingdom conversations. Not only is it an opportunity to teach our children, but the conversation itself elevates the culture of the home toward the things of God.
How often do you talk about spiritual things? Talk about what God’s doing in your life or our church? How often did you talk about it this past week?
By Steve DeWitt
What do we bear with for the sake of peace? The little daily annoyances, personality traits, and preference matters. They don’t rise to the level of calling for a peace summit. When we make a big stink out of an insignificant thing we come across as petty, which only makes actual peace harder. What should we do with the non-sin idiosyncrasies everybody has?….
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The Journey operates by the generous support of Bethel Church located in Northwest Indiana where Steve DeWitt is the senior pastor, and listeners like you.
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During this series, for a gift of $25 or more, we want to send you the Raising Kingdom Kids Devotional by Tony Evans.
Focus on the Family Singapore created these 52 devotions as a way for your family to invest a bit of time encouraging, supporting and praying for one another. Each devotion contains faith-affirming biblical principles that will help you do what no one else in this world will ever do as well as you: build a lasting, thriving faith in God, in your child’s heart.