Being Human

The messages for our series this month will equip us to know who God intended us to be and how he intended us to flourish as humans created in His image. We have a fundamental belief here at Bethel Church, we believe that the Bible is God’s revealed Word and will to us. We believe it is sufficient, true, reliable, and relevant.

our society is undergoing a revolutionary understanding of more basic questions than what’s a husband, like, what’s a man? Not so much what’s a wife, but what’s a woman? Who are we? What does it mean to be a human being in the first place? We have been human beings for thousands of years, and still, we don’t know what we are.

Being human biblically is less about winning arguments. It is far deeper, personal, and much more vertically oriented. Who am I? Who did God create me to be? Is this purpose good and noble? We will start by exploring what it means to be a human being. Once we get that, we can ask, how can human beings most fully be humans? You won't want to miss a single message

Our most current messages in our Family Month series, Being Human

Being Human Series Resource

Your support of The Journey radio and teaching ministry provides the resources for the distribution of The Journey to listeners through the USA and around the world.

We are offering two different resources during our Family Month series: Being Human. The topics Pastor Steve covered during this series raise many questions for some listeners and so we've identified a resource that will allow you to dig deeper into these topics: ReThinking Sexuality by Dr. Juli Slattery.

In ReThinking Sexuality, Slattery places our sexuality in the broader context of God's heart and work for us on earth; offers a framework for seeing the whole picture instead of focusing on one problem; and provides practical steps to implementing sexual discipleship.

The second offering is Finding God in the Land of Narnia by Kurt Bruner and Jim Ware. This engaging text explores the deep spiritual themes of redemption and grace found in the popular Chronicles of Narnia series by C. S. Lewis. With amazing clarity that captures the tone and style of C. S. Lewis himself, the authors offer a depth of insight that will surprise even the most ardent Lewis fan. Each chapter will help readers gain not only a deeper understanding of the popular Lewis series, but a deeper understanding of God himself.

We want to send you one of these valuable resources as our way of saying “Thank you!” when you make a donation of $30 or more.

Behind the question of how we as followers of Jesus should think about technological advancements like AI and the metaverse, or moral issues like abortion and sexuality, lies an even simpler question: Who am I? Who are we as human beings? How do we define and understand our humanity? Join Pastor David Platt for a ten-day look at the Bible’s answers and the implications for today’s most contentious debates.