The Love Series

Love is a most wonderful and most misunderstood reality. We use the word for just about anything. We love our jeans, we love our dog, we love our school, we love ice cream, we love to water-ski, and we love to sleep in. Our English word “love” is so elastic that it really doesn’t mean very much these days.

If I can use the same word to describe my relationship with my goldfish as I do my relationship with my mom, daughter, and God, we clearly have a problem. The Corinthian church’s problem was the same as our own. Their basic selfishness and pride blinded them to the real nature of love – divine love, crucified love, and the expression of that love in Christian relationships. So Paul gives them a description of real love in 1 Corinthians 13 – ultimate love; real love.

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The Love Series - I Corinthians 13

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Looking for additional resources to help you understand how Jesus loves?

Love is the foundation of Christian ethics. Jesus Himself says that loving God and our neighbor are the two greatest commandments laid upon our lives. But what is love, and how do we know what it looks like? This 7-day study through 1 Corinthians 13 will teach you the Bible’s definition of love in order to help you love well.