Romans Series - Chapters (5-7)

Part Two of our preaching series on the Book of Romans covers chapters 5-7.

Join us as Pastor Steve opens up the scritpures and discover the wonderful truth of God's grace declared by the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Church in Rome. From Reconciliation with God through Faith, to becoming Alive in Christ, to our internal conflict with Sin, this series will stir your hearts to praise and bring us to our knees in contrition and thanksgiving for the Lord's grace to us.

Roman Series - Chapters 5-7

Help Support The Journey

The Journey operates by the generous support of Bethel Church located in Northwest Indiana where Steve DeWitt is the senior pastor, and listeners like you.

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During this series, for a gift of $25 or more, we want to send you this 12-week study of the book of Romans by Jared C. Wilson.

We are also making available an electronic study that corresponds with the messages Steve is preaching in this series. You can receive that just by writing and asking for it.

Looking for additional resources on Grace?Check out this 14-day study called: Grace? What's That?: Devotions from Time of Grace

God’s love for us is unlimited and unconditional. It is purely his gift to us, and by that grace we are saved.